
Every Anime Opening Ever Made

To celebrate my 50th post on this blog, here's a video showing the similarities between different anime openings.

After Today Live-Action Remake

Chainsaw Maid

Happy Halloween, everyone! To celebrate the occasion, here's a treat of a video.

Dance Fortress 2

Stripping and Rebuilding a Jeep in Under Four Minutes

First Ever TUFF Puppy Clip

This is the first ever clip from Nickelodeon's new show "TUFF Puppy," premiering in September. T.U.F.F. Puppy: "Purr-fect Partners: Rat Trap"

Computer Troubles

I'n writing this from my other computer because my laptop refused to start up after we took up a whole day cleaning up our house. This means I won't be uploading anything on my blogs until it gets fixed or I could find another one, whichever comes first.

Bibi At the Beach

Bibi's at the beach, waiting for someone to rub her back with sun tan lotion. Originally, I would've added Beatrice in the picture, but I ran out of time.

The Muppets: Pöpcørn

Karma Gone Get Ya!

Avatar Diorama --pre-finale-- by ~ Coonfoot on deviant ART